Dorothy Marsh in Guides uniform 1930s

Guide Camp at Castle Carey c1936

From left: Dorothy Marsh; Nesta Gale; Kathy Smith; Mary Phillips

Social Activities

   Scouts and Guides




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In the 1930's the Brownies and Guides met at the WI Hut.  Miss Alice Mayo from Coryates was the Girl Guide Captain.  There was great excitement and anticipation in the weeks running up to Thursday 1 May 1930, when Princess Mary would attend a rally at Kingston Maurward Park.  Upwey School closed for the day as many of the children were among the guides and scouts attending from all over Dorset.  

The weather was glorious and the Princess looked very smart in the uniform of the President of the Girl Guides Movement.  At 2.30pm the Princess walked to the saluting base through a guard of honour.  The march past of more than 3000 guides lasted for more than 25 minutes and was a wonderful sight.  Among the standard bearers were Edith Didcock, Edith Pearce and Christine Davage from the Upwey troup.

1933 A Wolf Cub group was started in 1933 by Rev Bryant and Miss W Saunt, meeting in an empty cottage opposite the entrance to Prospect Place on the Dorchester Road.

1936  The scout group met in the old chapel next to Southbrook House in Church Street and was led by Captain Borradaile-Bell.  Among the scouts in 1936 were Brian Marsh, Frank Beck, Fred Hooper, Vic Morris and Gordon Thorner.  

Miss Rogers from Weylands, Elwell St, was involved with the Guides.

c. 1948 Wendy Harris (nee Godden) remembers her first camp with the guides was to Evershot 'where lots of us got badly stung by wasps; the next year we went to Peebles in Scotland.  We travelled to Paddington by train then on the Underground to (I think) Kings Cross for an overnight journey to Edinburgh.  We had breakfast on the station of porridge with butter and salt. In those days we had ex-army kit bags, we used a ground sheet and 3 blankets - for 11 year olds these kit bags were heavy.  

Another year we went to Foxlease in the New Forest.  Pamela Jean Gray, Celia Fryer and Cecilia Summers and myself entered a competition with the scouts to erect a bell tent in the fastest time.  

We also used to go on hikes with the Scouts.'

1950 On 17 January there was a  combined scout and guide party at WI hut. Games were organised by Scout Master and Guide Captain Mr & Mrs Knight. Carol singing had collected £2 for RNIB

1951  On 25 January there was a Scout & Guide party at WI hut. Mrs Rigler the  guide captain.  Games were organised by Mr Knight, scoutmaster and Mrs Knight.  Gramophone music by N Warne, buffet refreshments and few old time dances.

10 July 1954 - There was a novel opening ceremony for the fete organised by the 1st Upwey & Broadwey Scout Troop - the Three Loose Screws from the Alexandra Gardens show, getting the event off to a breezy start with some lively comedy.

The fete held at Southbrook Field attracted a big crowd.  Tug of war (organised by Mr Smith) won by the Railway Hotel; box skittles (organised by MrJ Ford/Miss N Riley) won by Mrs Scriven and John Griffiths; Bagatelle (organised by D Jackson) won by Roger Griffiths; Quoits (organised by Miss V Hart) won by Mr M Furzey; Hip and Pop (organised by Miss D Grey) won by Mr S Smith; Bean Bag (organised by Misses J Collings/M Ralph) won by Mr Fellows, Andrew Cornick and Margarette Gee.  Pony rides were conducted by Miss Thoyts, Miss B Critchell and Miss G Godden.  Darts by Mr Ralph; Spinning Wheel by Mrs Warne; Electric Wire by M Gee; Penny in Bucket by Misses P and D Barnes; Buttonholes by Miss C Cole/Miss P Brown; Can-Can by Miss P Barnes/Miss F Virgin; Lighting Candles Miss P Wake; Hoopla Misses D Barnes/B Louis/J Cann; produce stall Mrs Ralph and Mrs Johns; refreshments Mrs Clark/Mrs Crocker/Mrs Menzies/Mrs Suchlick. Music and announcements by Mr Pat Warne.

1956  On 8 April Upwey & Broadwey Cubs presented a beautiful cake, iced in the Cub colours and encircled with a blue ribbon to Broadwey Veterans Club.  The cake had been made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Cubs.  Mrs Jardine a cub mistress and a group of cubs joined the veterans for tea and sang an entertaining cub song

1956  June  Show Time comedian Bill Maynard, with his wife and 2 children, caused a riot of laughter when he opened the fete and baby show at the 1st U&B Boy Scout group at Southbrook Field, Upwey.  He spent more than two hours clowning, encouraging everyone to part with money - and spending freely himself - at stalls and sideshows.  Mr Maynard was introduced to the chairman of the group committee Mrs Borradaile Bell, widow of the former county scout commissioner.  He was presented with a buttonhole by Carole Cole, 10, daughter of scoutmaster Mr R Cole.  With an amusing display of gallantry Mr Maynard immediately pinned it on his wife's dress.

1950's Sea Scouts / Cubs / Scouts met at the disused chapel in Church St

Girl Guides met at Upwey School.  Captain: Miss Ida Rogers;  Miss Mayo, 1st Captain; Mrs Knight, Captain U&B Guide Company.  Miss L Luckham, District Commissioner, Weymouth Girl Guides.  There was also an Upwey & Broadwey Brownie Pack

1957 Weymouth's first Queen's Scouts for 4 years were 17yr old Malcolm Cole of St Lawrence Road and Andrew Hart of Chesterfield Place.  Both were members of 1st Upwey & Broadwey Troop.  They received their certificates from the Chief Scout, Lord Rowallan at a reception at Gilwell Park, Chingford.  The certificate says 'As a Queen's Scout you have prepared yourself for service to God and your fellow men and have shown yourself a worthy member of the great Scout Brotherhood.  I wish you God speed on your journey through life; may it prove for you a joyous advanture.

Elizabeth R.

1957 December.  Wolf Cubs who gained First Star badges - Brian Cave; Nigel Fluke; Geoffrey Wright; Christopher Morris. Second Star badge awarded to John Yarram.

Mid 1960's Brownies met at Upwey School Mrs Newton was Brown Owl

1970's/1980's  The Weymouth North Bronze Pack met at The Old School under the leadership of David Stonier and Ted Ward.

Click on the pictures for a zoom view and caption

Guides 03.jpg Guide Camp Osmington c1943 001 (Small).jpg UB Scouts c1946 001 (Small).jpg Mrs Knight.jpg Upwey Guides 1948.jpg Scouts 1948.jpg U Brownies 194950 001 (Small).jpg cubs c.1950 001 (Small).jpg Guides early 1950s.jpg Scouts July 1954 001 (Small).jpg